- Film Title: Payme Holiday Sapporo
- Director:
- Producer: 1220 Films Production Ltd.
- Screenplay:
- Photography:
- Music:
- Casts: Vivian CHAN
- Runtime: 22 mins x 7 episodes
- Theatrical release date:
- Language: Cantonese, Japanese
- Awards:
“Payme Holiday” is a renovated travel program of following our host (Vivian Chan) to
start the working holiday scheme alone in a city by taking up short-term
employment with limited expenses every day. The first cultural spot is the most
beautiful city in Japan – Hokkaido, where attracts lots of tourists every year.
Facilitating different cultural and strengthening the bilateral relationship between
two places are the main purposes of the program. While these 5 days scheme has
already begun with many difficulties because of miscommunications. Vivian feels
touched by those nice and helpful local people. She finds the balance of work and
fun throughout different working experiences, such as farming in the biggest farm,
selling king crabs in the famous fish market and serving in a classic ramen restaurant
in Sapporo…
Holidays shall have been initiated by earning life experiences through the balance of
working and entertaining.