- Film Title: The Tag-Along Sequel : Devil Fish
- Director: David CHUANG
- Producer: Han-Hsien Tseng, Ivan Chen(Shin-Chi Chen)
- Screenplay: Shih-Keng Chien, Ling-Fang Hsu
- Photography: Chiwen Chen
- Music: Rockid Lee
- Casts: Vivian HSU, Rexen CHENG
- Runtime: 107 mins
- Theatrical release date: 23 Nov 2018 (Taiwan); 29 Nov 2018 (Hong Kong, Malaysia); 30 Nov 2018 (Singapore); 10 Dec 2018 (Cambodia); 18 Dec 2018 (Indonesia); 23 Jan 2019 (The Philippines); 27 Jan 2019 (Myanmar); 9 Dec 2018 (N. America)
- Language:
- Awards:
Synopsis: In a haunted mansion, where a whole family was killed brutally years
ago, was found traces from Mosiens: the little demons. The neighbor decides to hire an exorcist: Lin (Starring CHENG Ren Shuo) known as The Tiger Master to cast out the demons and make their nightmare stop. After the exorcism, Mosiens are kept inside a fish; moreover, Lin and his disciples fry that fish so that the little demons can be killed forever.
On the other hand, Chia Hao tries to win a fantasy video competition so that he can use that award bonus to take his mother: Yahui (starring Vivian Hsu), who is destressed by her divorce, for a mini vacation. The same night, Chia Hao sneaks into the mansion and videotapes the whole exorcism ceremony. After the group is gone, he surprisingly finds a baby fish emerging from the corpse of the fried fish. Out of curiosity, he takes that baby fish home, which the only begins of the next terrified story……
Since then, Yahui becomes more aggressive and having hidden supernatural behaviors especially during playing a piano sonata bewitches people?! Chia Hao is extremely frightened and runs to Lin for help. When Lin and Chia Hao rush back home, they find Yahui is disappeared along with that fish. The only trace luring them into the
woods, where the Mosiens inhabit… Could The Tiger Master rescue Yahui possessed from the Devil Fish?